V1 Expertise Step by Step


SKU: CBFT-GMCE1DVD Category: Tag:


One copy left! A DVD with 4 hours of video to be watched on your computer. Make sure you have a disc drive.

Tactics in chess are sequences of moves which limit the opponents options and may result in a tangible gain by force. They are usually contrasted with strategy, in which advantages take longer to be realised and where the opponent is less constrained in his choice of reply.

Tactics are an essential part of chess, since even purely positional games may contain certain moments where one cannot do without sharp calculations.

The fundamental building blocks of tactics are forks, skewers, batteries, discovered attacks, undermining, overloading, deflection, pins and interference.

This DVD covers important sections of this field and helps to understand in depth the proper handling of unexpected tactics in certain cases. We will examine how to achieve (or to avoid) mate on the back rank, the strength of the dancing knights, how to sacrifice the queen near the opposing king, how to march with the king, how to use efficiently the f4 break and finally how to make sacrifices to gain the initiative.

As World Championship challenger Nigel Short once said, ‘Modern chess is too much concerned with things like pawn structure. Forget it, checkmate ends the game!’.

System Requirements: Disc drive, Windows 7 or higher.